The Count from Sesame Street count Pi to 10,000 places

The Count from Sesame Street count Pi to 10,000 places

Because he taught you how to count everything else.

A YouTube channel offering “ambient geek sleep aids” has taken the time to create this video of Sesame Street’s Count von Count reciting Pi to 10,000 places, and we had to share it. Why?

Firstly, because if you’re serious about being one of those people who can remember at least the first 100 digits of Pi off by heart, then this is probably one of the most entertaining ways to learn.

Secondly, to raise awareness about some of the fascinating science that surrounds the constant. Thirdly, if you can’t sleep, we find this is a far better alternative to counting sheep (camping helps too, apparently). And fourthly, because, why not?

Of course, there are also available versions where the Count just recites Pi to 100and 1,000 places, but if you’re going to watch, why not indulge in the full five and a half hour affair? After all, the muppet really loves to count. (In case you’re interested,this is how the video was made.)

And if you’re frankly fed up of hearing about how awesome Pi is, then we can’t help you, we’re too busy counting. But enjoy this awesome mathematical rant by ViHartinstead.

Source: crysknife007/YouTube

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